South Hill Centre & Sunnyside Rural Trust Foodbank Delivery Service

Supporting the DENS Dacorum Foodbank

Some people who need assistance from Foodbanks find it difficult to access services in person, whether as a result of health problems, or difficulties in accessing transportation.  During the restrictions currently imposed in the fight against COVID-19, these problems are exacerbated, and many people are experiencing difficulties in accessing much needed Foodbank parcels.  In response to this, we aim to provide a service to these people to enable them to receive the parcels at their home address

Sunnyside Rural Trust and the South Hill Centre have in recent years been local distribution centres supporting the Foodbank for Hemel Hempstead residents operated by DENS.  The DENS Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust network of Foodbanks across the UK.  During the COVID-19 crisis, there has been an increasing demand for Foodbank parcels to be delivered to homes, where there has been difficulty in physically accessing distribution centres, especially for older residents and those who need to shield for medical reasons or told not to leave their homes due to general lockdowns.   

 In response to this issue, Sunnyside Rural Trust and the South Hill Centre are working together to deliver Foodbank parcels for people who need them through regular daily distributions to people’s homes.


High Sheriff Awards 2020


Sunnyside Landscaping Engagement Activity